February 16, 2017

Wireless Solution Seminar

Wireless Solution's David Ferraz will give an introduction on wireless DMX, specifically on the new Generation 5 on February 16, 2017. This new range includes Triple-Band technology, improved Adaptive Frequency Hopping, data-safe and invisi-wire improvements and a redesign of some of the series.


10h - 12h: Introduction to Wireless DMX: theory, co-existence, spectrum analysis, G5

13h - 14h: Large-scale projects: case-studies – Italy, Montreal and Qatar

14h - 16h: Hands-on

This seminar takes place at February 16, 2017 and is free of charge.
Lunch will be provided.


David Ferraz
International Business Development Manager at Wireless Solution



FACE Academy Centre Hoek 76 - Unit 301 2850 Boom Belgium