Juni 14, 2022

Spotlight Essentials Webinar

This introductory seminar provides an overview of using Vectorworks Spotlight to create, visualize, and document live entertainment productions. Attendees will explore the capabilities, concepts, resources, services, and benefits of using information modeling in the design phase to streamline workflows and increase efficiency. The session covers the user interface and demonstrates how to use specialized plug-ins, tools, and menu commands contained within Vectorworks Spotlight.
Learning Objectives:
  • Learn how different Entertainment projects can be organized.
  • Understand the capabilities of Vectorworks Spotlight.
  • Get an overview of Spotlight design tools.
  • Learn about interoperability for Vectorworks Spotlight.
  • Learn about the different design and learning resources that are available.
  • Find out what next steps you need to take to be successful using Vectorworks.
Please note: Vectorworks offers this seminar at three different times, make sure to select your preferred time during registration. If you are located in Australia, these seminars will take place one day later than the date listed.

