June 12, 2018

Monitors with Beo by AV School (Dutch)

A course of 1 day, in which the theory and practice behind monitor mixing is discussed. The differences between "wedges", "side fill" and "in ears" are all discussed with their advantages and disadvantages.

All this is done on the necessary equipment. The course aim is to familiarize the sound technician with the use of different monitoring systems, as well as to make a clear distinction with FOH (Front Of House) mixing. A monitor engineer needs different "skills" than a FOH engineer. If you also want to follow the in-ear course you can enjoy a 25 euro discount. For this course a basic knowledge of sound engineering is desired. This course is suitable for audio technicians from the event sector and theaters. For this course you can work with the SME portfolio (KMO-portefeuille). Do you have a question about this course, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Date: Tuesday June 12 - 2018
  • Location: Face, Hoek 76 - unit 301, 2850 Boom
  • Hours: 09h30 to 18h00
  • Catering: Lunch and drinks are provided
  • Price: € 225 excl 21% VAT (€ 272,25 incl VAT)
  • Discount: € 25 when participating the in-ear course
  • Via the SME portfolio (KMO-portefeuille) this course can be subsidised

This course is in Dutch!

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Hoek 76 - unit 301, 2850 Boom