May 31 - June 1, 2022

disguise Fundamental Training - 2 Day Classroom Course

Take the first step in learning how to use disguise software by registering to attend their in-person Fundamental training in May. This is a great opportunity to take what you’ve learnt from home, and start putting it into practice by gaining hands-on experience with the team.

This is a 2-day classroom course and is the first course in your journey into learning disguise software.

The course is broken down into 14 sections, all covering different aspects of getting started with the software. Topics include:

  • Installing the software and using the d3 Manager
  • Navigating the GUI and menus
  • Setting Project Refresh rate and other project settings
  • Add screens, props, and other objects to the virtual environment
  • Timeline sequencing, layers, and creating compositions
  • Content management and versioning
  • Render Modes
  • Animating objects within the virtual environment
  • d3Net and networking
  • Configuring your virtual screens to output to screens in the real world using the Feed Manager
  • Basic Audio configuration

Date: 31st May - 1st June 2022
Location: London HQ
Language: English

Sign Up Here


88-89 Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8HA, UK