April 4 2018

Dante Certification Level 3 Training (EXTRA SESSION)

On 4 April, 2018, Audinate will be hosting a Dante Certification Level 3 training class. This event will be geared toward attendees that are already using Dante, and who are looking to create more advanced systems and learn best practices.

Level 3 Training

Given the success of the previous session, we've set up yet another new date.

Dante Certification Level 3 covers:

  • advanced networking concepts
  • mixed use networks
  • networking best practices
  • troubleshooting techniques
  • Dante Domain Manager​

Date: 4 April, 2018 
Time: 09:30 - 17:00 (sign-in begins at 09:00) 
Cost: Free (registration required)

Location: FACE BVBA Hoek 76 - Unit 301    2850 Boom Belgium


09:00 Registration
09:30 Welcome and Introduction
09:45 Level 3 Dante Certification
11:00 Morning Break
11:30 Level 3 Dante Certification (continued)
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Level 3 Dante Certification (continued)
15:00 Afternoon break
15:30 Level 3 Dante Certification (continued)

*agenda subject to change
Register now


Hoek 76 2850 Boom Belgium